Moments later…

If you guessed “click on Continue to continue”, well, you’re right!

Click on “Continue” to… well, you know.

Meanwhile, on the TV:

Google Chrome Cast Extension Download

The good news is that the codes match. That makes things easy!

Again, a click on “Continue” on the computer and you’re ready to teach the device what wifi network you use:

Enter your wifi credentials for the same wifi network that you use for your computer, tweak the name if you’re so inclined (I just call mine “Chromecast”) and click on… you can do it… “Continue”!

The system does indeed update, and when it’s done yet another “Continue” and we’re done!

That’s it. Surprisingly easy.

Chrome Cast Extension Download For Mac

Now let’s jump into Chrome itself and set that up. As the window shows, you need to get the “Cast” extension for Google Chrome and install it. That’s done by going into the Google Play store and searching for “Cast” (or perhaps the above button will work for you. For me it didn’t work).

Install the Cast extension and it’ll confirm the installation:

Notice the small icon on the top right of the window too. That’s your “Cast” icon that lets you pick any tab in Chrome and beam it to your Chromecast device. Easy enough.

Where this gets more cool is if we pop into Netflix, since its player is Chromecast aware.

I’ll demonstrate by starting up an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. In the Chrome browser, it looks like this:

Notice that the Cast icon shows up on the right side of the Netflix player itself. A click and it shows all the known Chromecast devices, as you can see.

I’ll choose “Chromecast” off that menu, as you’ll recall it’s the name I gave my device and the Web browser window changes to:

Meanwhile, the really cool stuff is showing up on the TV itself, where the movie is streaming flawlessly:

Yes, and I watched the entire movie without a hiccup while writing this post too, also in Google Chrome.

Safari Chrome Cast Extension Download

The only comment I’d make is that I found that trying to use other tabs in the same Chrome window as the streaming Netflix movie failed to work properly, but when I launched a new window, it worked perfectly.

Download Chromecast Extension For Mac

So, for $35, Chromecast turns out to be a terrific device to toss in your travel bag, particularly if you have a Netflix, HBO Go or Hulu Plus account too (here’s a full list of compatible sites). If you don’t, then you’ll need to find other interesting content that you can view and enjoy within a Chrome window to get the most out of the device.

Let’s Stay In Touch!

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I do have a lot to say, and questions of my own for that matter, but first I'd like to say thank you, Dave, for all your helpful information by buying you a cup of coffee!